Pregnancy Acupuncture

Pregnancy Acupuncture

Pregnancy acupuncture provides you with support for you and your unborn baby. With all of the poking and prodding, you get that comes with pregnancy the last thing you are thinking about is more needles. But when It comes to taking away some of those worries you may have away. Moms-to-be who have already had this treatment say works well. Acupuncture can help ease or even take away some of those aches and discomfort’s that come along while you are pregnant. This treatment is drug-free and involves minimal intervention. Below is how this can help through the stages of pregnancy 

1st Stage

So you have a positive Pregnancy test ad you have been to see your GP.We at He Lou Clinic recommend you have acupuncture once a week or once every 2 weeks depending on your consultation do this up to 12 weeks to reduce the chance of miscarriage. Als, this will ensure good blood circulation to u and your baby. This can also help with morning sickness and feeling fatigue. 

2nd & 3rd Stages

At the second stage in your pregnancy that is between 12 weeks and 36 weeks. We recommend you have Acupuncture once every four weeks.This helps to maintain the blood flow and good circulation.If during this time your baby becomes breech the treatment will be altered.  

From the 36 week stage

For the last weeks of your pregnancy, we advise you only have acupuncture once a week.The baby is now ready and your body is now getting ready for childbirth these Treatments will help you and baby get ready for labour and after. Curtain points are then chosen depending on your constitution and history though out your pregnancy.These include points t6o mature your cervix and to soften the tendons and ligaments. 
At any stage of the treatment, we do not use the abdominal points.We use ‘distal’ points. Which are in our arms and legs and below your elbow and knees. These are the strongest points that affect your physiology system. 

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